Bold. Distinctive. Biblical.
A Principle-Approach® Pre-K–12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA

Fast Facts About High School

✓ Who & When: 9th-12th Grades (Traditional & Honors High School options). 5 Days/Week, End of August – Beginning of June

✓ College Prep: During the 2021-2022 school year, 60% of Dayspring sophomores, 81% of juniors, and 100% of seniors are taking college-level courses.

✓ Location: Conveniently located just 1 minute from the Mountville exit of Route 30 in Lancaster County, PA

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Educational Philosophy

The overall goal of this classical American Christian approach is to produce a student who has not only progressed from the rudiments of the subjects to the higher levels of understanding, but who has learned how to reason from the principles of the Bible to the concepts and issues of the subject. It is the liberating effect of the self-governed intellect combined with a heart submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ that allows the student to reach his or her fullest God-given potential.

Tuition Information

  • Tuition: $14,734 for Grades 9-12
  • Financial Aid Info: Tuition Assistance is available. Call John Riddell at 717-285-2000 for details.

Curriculum for High School

Christian High School CurriculumOur rigorous curriculum encompasses core courses from Algebra through Calculus and Statistics, from Earth Science through Physics, from Biology to Anatomy & Physiology. Students are equipped with truth as they explore the rudiments of American history and our form of republicanism.

  • Languages: Includes Spanish, American Sign Language, and Greek
  • Literature: Includes British and American classics from Beowulf to Ben Hur, with an
    annual study in Shakespeare.
  • Science: Includes Biology, Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, and Physics. STEM is the science focus for grades 10 and 12.
  • Logic: Our students study the ancient disciplines of logic (“the art of thinking”) and rhetoric (“the art of speaking”) (Webster’s 1828).
  • Bible: Students take Exegesis to better understand and interpret the original languages of the Bible.
  • Art: Students may participate in art classes, including Introduction to Art and Art Studio.
  • Music: Options include high school choirs, music theory, as well as Honors Choir (auditions required). Students may join instrumental ensembles and take music electives.
  • Dual Credit Program: Our dual credit program gives our high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school. These dual credit courses include:
    General Chemistry 1 and General Chemistry 1 Lab (4 college credits)
    English Composition (3 college credits)
    Survey of British Literature (3 college credits)
    Probability and Statistics (3 college credits)
    Calculus 1 (3 college credits)
    Calculus 2 (3 college credits)
    General Psychology (3 college credits)
    Biology 1 (3 college credits)
    United States History II (3 college credits)
  • Additionally, students may take AP Courses. The course available at Dayspring are:
    AP Statistics
    AP Calculus AB
    AP Calculus BC
    AP 2-D Art and Design (Portfolio)
  • View our Course Catalog and Grading Scale here!
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College Preparation

Dayspring Christian Academy’s mission reflects our commitment to academic excellence and college preparation for our students who desire to go on to college. Often, Dayspring’s  SAT scores are on average about 100 points higher than the national average. This is a reflection of our students’ commitment to working as unto the Lord in school and the preparation that we offer as students prepare for college. Dayspring high school students have the opportunity to earn up to 30 college credits before graduation through our dual enrollment program with Cairn University and our stellar AP courses. Many of our students arrive at college already having earned a full semester of credits!

  • Dual Credit Program: Students are given the opportunity to build their college transcript while completing High School through our dual credit program with Cairn University. Earning college credits before graduation can save time and money after high school.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) classes include: Psychology, US History, English Composition, English Literature, Physics, Statistics, and Calculus.
  • Apprenticeship career program for Juniors.
  • Senior thesis is written and defended. Senior thesis is a graduation requirement.
View College Acceptance and SAT Scores

Honors High School

The Honors High School program at Dayspring Christian Academy provides a distinctive educational experience for high-achieving, academically gifted students. Dayspring provides an enhanced curriculum geared to the educational needs and goals of honors students. The Honors High School is an important element in our mission to prepare students to develop as citizens of excellence in Christian character and scholarship. Honors High School courses differ from Dayspring’s traditional high school courses in that they foster a greater degree of independent scholarship grounded in inquiry (a crucial skill associated with scientific discovery), creative design, and lifelong learning.

Learn More About Honors High School

Christian High School Honors Program

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Student Life

Field Trips: Onsite, Interactive In-Depth Learning

In-depth field studies in high school include the study of the rudiments of American history in studies to Boston; Plymouth, MA; New York City; and Washington, D.C. The Dayspring high school student’s Senior year is culminated with a 12-day study in Israel. We call this trip “the final Dayspring classroom.” Learn why in this blog.

Athletics & Extra-Curricular Activities

Athletics include boys and girls basketball, coed cross country, golf, boys soccer, coed track & field, and boys and girls volleyball. High School students may also participate in the following sports through a cooperative sponsorship with McCaskey High School: coed bowling, girls field hockey, boy and girls swimming, and boys wrestling. High School students may also participate int he following sports through a cooperative sponsorship with Columbia High School: boys baseball, girls softball, and girls tennis.

Electives and clubs include worship team, pinewood derby, music-based clubs such as strings and ukulele, history, science clubs, games, cooking, newspaper, yearbook, student government, and so much more!

Dayspring Christian Academy students expore creation vs. evolution on a four-day field study.


Are programs available for gifted or students with special needs?
At Dayspring, we see each child as a unique individual, created by a loving Creator, and valued as such. It is because of this that Dayspring has created the P139 program, named for Psalm 139:14, and designed to teach students at all levels who require alternative or differentiated methods of instruction, so they may work to their potential.
What school safety/security measures are in place?

Dayspring’s high school classrooms are large, bright, welcoming, and friendly. Appropriate security measures are in place to ensure that our families feel confident that their precious children are safe, loved, and well-cared for.

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Are before and after school programs available to high school students?
No, before and after school programs are not available to high school students.
Will my child use the same textbook as government schools or other Christian schools?
Dayspring students do use textbooks for skill-oriented subjects, by and large, though, textbooks are used as resource tools. Students and teachers alike develop highly specialized notebooks that become the primary teaching-learning tools that enhance internalization of the material. All textbooks are selected with care in alignment with biblical truth and rooted in primary sources.

Learn more about the Dayspring’s approach here

Why should I seek Christian high school education for my child?
The Bible clearly teaches that the responsibility of education belongs to parents, not the State. Proverbs states that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Only by teaching our children the Truth as seen in God’s Word, will we ensure that they can adequately meet the challenges of a secular world and affect that world dynamically for the cause of Christ.
Can I see the school and meet the high school teachers?
Yes! Visiting Dayspring is a great way to get your questions answered, learn more about the school, meet the high school teachers and faculty, and see how we can meet your child's individual educational needs.

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Is Dayspring Christian Academy high school curriculum focused on college prep?

Often, Dayspring’s SAT scores are on average about 100 points higher than the national average.

Dayspring high school students are given the opportunity to earn up to 28 college credits before graduation through our dual enrollment program with Cairn University and our stellar AP courses.

Many of our students arrive at college already having earned a full semester of credits!

  • Dual Credit Program: Students are given the opportunity to build their college transcript while completing High School through our dual credit program with Cairn University. Earning college credits before graduation can save time and money after high school.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) classes include Psychology, US History, English Composition, English Literature, Physics, Statistics, and Calculus.
  • Apprenticeship career program for Juniors.
  • Senior thesis is written and defended. The senior thesis is a graduation requirement.

In fact, During the 2018-2019 school year, 31% of sophomores, 48% of juniors, and 56% of Dayspring seniors took college-level courses

What is the high school class size?
24 students per class, 1 class per grade level (9th – 12th).
Are there before/after school activities available to my high school student?
Yes, high school students are offered after school activities such as sports, some clubs, and our annual Spring musical.
What athletic programs are available to high school students at Dayspring?

Dayspring offers the following high school sports programs:

  • Boys and Girls Basketball
  • Coed Cross Country
  • Golf
  • Boys Soccer
  • Coed Track & Field
  • Boys and Girls Volleyball

Dayspring offers the following high school sports programs through a cooperative sponsorship with McCaskey High School:

  • Coed Bowling
  • Girls Field Hockey
  • Boys and Girls Swimming
  • Boys Wrestling

Dayspring offers the following high school sports programs through a cooperative sponsorship with Columbia High School:

  • Girls Tennis
  • Boys Baseball
  • Girls Softball

Click here to learn more

Take a tour of Dayspring!

Private tours for you and your child are available. Additionally, middle and high school students are able to experience a day of school at Dayspring through our visitation program. Call Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or use the button below to register.

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